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Preparation for the role of Trained Auxiliary Ego in TSM-training

20 april 2023, van 14:00 tot 17:00 UTC+1

75 euro

Preparation for the role of ‘Trained Auxiliary Ego’ in TSM-training.

The idea of the training is – you gain confidence and efficiency in the TAE role, find some answers to your questions and find some new points of attention for further interest.
Theoretically, we will focus on the main points of interest for TAE.
Practically, we will train and analyze the role of TAE in action. Some questions for the practical are listed below:

  1. How to: make a contact; arrange a contract (in a chat that’s compact). We are convinced, that the first step of communication between TAE and participants provides safe and respectful atmosphere.
  2. How do you balance between: being focused – having a wide view; lead – follow; perception – action. This is very specific for TSM as an approach for working with very vulnerable people.
  3. How to: activate – not to trigger; encourage – not to push; be polite – not to be passive; support – not to dictate.

By the end of the training, you will be more familiar with this versatile role.


20 april 2023
14:00 tot 17:00 UTC+1
75 euro


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