Play with Theater Online
Working with multiple stage settings at the same time
You’ll become more experienced in working online with ZOOM, Psychodrama and Drama. Strengthen your professionalism in working online by participating in this training workshop. A collaboration of Hannah Salomé, Ina Hogenboom and Jacomien Ilbrink: contact-oriented work with more movement in the game, making use of the various technical possibilities.
In the past period we have worked a lot with clients via the screen.
Online psychodrama often uses techniques such as:
- theater in people’s homes such as objects, chairs, etc.
- theater at the director’s home or
- active group exercises for warming up.
Less used is working with the stage on the screen, such as with ProReal, a mini theater or actively playing out scenes.
What is missing is playing more with staging the story of the protagonist, such as a scene at the dinnertable. Offline it is easier to create such a scene and use the techniques of psychodrama.
Our challenge for this day is to also apply this online and use three stages, at home with the client, with the director and on the screen. The four aspects: thinking, feeling, acting and body awareness will receive attention.
We will investigate how we can apply and combine the online possibilities. This means, for example, that the scene is placed on stage by the director, using objects and / or chairs while several people play a role in the scene on the screen. In this way online working gets its own character with comparable depth to working offline.
General information: In this training workshop we will get started with: playing scenes on the online stage.
Target group: Professionals who work action-oriented with clients in various settings. We think of drama therapists, psychodrama therapists, coaches and trainers.
Meetings: This is a one-day ONLINE training workshop with a duration of 6 hours.
Date: April 12, 2021
Time: 10 am – 4 pm
Trainers: Ina Hogenboom (TEP), Hannah Salomé (TEP) Jacomien Ilbrink (CP & PAT)
Costs: € 50.00 (VAT free)
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